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Explore the Next Step in Your Career After Service
How Can We Help?
SkillBridge is a unique opportunity for career seekers. There are several different paths that can be taken, and we want to ensure that you are provided with the one best fit for your success! Before you fill out the SkillBridge intake form, make sure that you are a member of the chamber!

Filling Out the SkillBridge Interest Form
Filling out the SkillBridge interest form is the first step of the process. This allows us to gain insight into your career preferences and your prior experiences, helping us match you with the best fitting employer.
Why Apply For SkillBridge?
SkillBridge offers an awesome opportunity for service members to transition into their life after the military. This program pairs you with an industry partner that aligns your prior military training and work experience to a wide variety of careers. SkillBridge allows you to use up to the last 180 days of service to train and learn a new career. Any Rank, Enlisted or Officer, May Apply!

Benefits of SkillBridge
Smooth Transition From Service to Civilian
Learn Career Skills From Highly Respected Industry Partners
Variety of Career Opportunities in
Information Technologies​
Energy Efficiency
Civil Service
And More!
Continue to Receive Current Military Compensation & Benefits
Use the Last 180 Days of Service to Learn and Train for a New Career
Match Current Skillset to Civilian Job Opportunities
SkillBridge Opportunities
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