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About Us
The Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce was founded in 2020 as a non-profit 501(c)(3). The Chamber launched a market research study and launched a Task force “Operation Collaboration” and stood up focus groups in the 5 navigation service areas:
Family and Wellness
From market research studies and the monthly focus groups meetings, came the realization and affirmation for the need to establish navigation services that bridge the gaps between the Idaho and Military Communities to create a space for collaboration, connection, and unity.
From these focus groups, came recommendations for seat positions that would begin creating Steering Committees in the Fall of 2021. There are over 100 members serving as committee and ad hoc members. For the first time in Idaho history all resources are in one room discussing how to better support the military community through the deeply rooted and strong collaboration space we have established and by providing their subject matter expertise to support the navigation services and delivery of technical assistance.
The Chamber received a 2-year statewide Workforce Development Council Innovation Training Grant Fund in September of 2021. In 2022 and launched the first full year of workforce navigations services.
2022 - Now:
In addition to the start of the workforce navigation services, we received a federal SBA grant to launch full navigation services with the community navigator pilot program in December of 2021. In 2022 we launched the first full year of launch of navigation services. We built the foundation, continued to develop partnerships, and sparked community engagement to better serve those that serve or served our country.
The idea of Idaho Veterans Chamber of Commerce quickly grew into a place where the community found so much value in what was being done and recognized the impact the Chamber was having across all of Idaho. The Chamber continues to grow by leaps and bounds.  There is nothing more rewarding than supporting the Idaho Military community. The gratitude felt for being able to do this as our job is beyond measure.
The Chamber is truly humbled and fortunate to be a part of an organization that has received overwhelming support for bridging the gaps between the Idaho and Military communities. There is no doubt, the future looks bright and prosperous.    
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